Samrakshana Vaastu Deepa Thailam
Samrakshana Vaastu Deepa Thailam
The Main Entrance of the house is regarded as a GATEWAY TO SUCCESS as constantly various kinds of energies keep flowing in and out. Hence the index of the quality of the GATEWAY marks the SUCCESS of the inmates living there.
Our SAMRAKSHANA VAASTU DEEPA THAILAM is an exclusive blend of quality oils and powerful divine herbs which has been prepared with DEVOTION without disturbing the natural powers of the ingredients on Auspicious Time (Muhurta) based on the Vedic texts of our Ancient Revered Sages, attracts the beneficial and protective energies, and lets it inside the house thereby enhancing the positive energies to the inmates along with the family deity’s (kuladevata`s) protection and blessings.
Samrakshana Vaastu Deepa Thailam, a supreme blend of 36 marvelous herbs infused in a blend of natural oils with pure ghee during auspicious muhurta focuses on protecting us from Vaastu Doshas, contagious particles and negative energies.